goddamn ive been sick, diabolically. to where my balls ache, im bricked up, confused and sore. other than that, its been a fantastic week. had a great tat party with my new homeboy/guest artist roberto before his return to Switzerland, sang karaoke with the tattoo zoo squad, had a very special visitor, even got some tickets to cirque de solieil for next weeks show. (for which i am beside myself with excitement)
since ive begun working at the tattoo zoo, ive been hearing about johnny goodvibes, giggle factory, and all around tattoo juggernaught, Roberto Seifert-Fäustlin. he didnt dis-appoint, and my time hanging with him was fucking rad. one of those super comfortable, known-him-forever type of dudes. great tattoo artist as well, and i was lucky(painfully) to get a nice big one from him.
he also lived up to his other, more norious repution. THE BRUISER
his send off was a super hootenanny complete with bolty salad, fake shooters, and smashdown kareoke. gerry fucking killed it! it was rad to blow off some steam like that with the crew. bryan, colin, sarah, even roberto was stepping up and shredding mic's. next time nova cant shine.
i sang enrique!
and the stones!
day or two after that, savvy's sickness, THE COLD SWEAT MALAISE, set in strong and has had me hobbled up.
didt stop my wonderful, super funny and loving aunty Kath from coming in from ladner for a short but sweet visit. she is my late mother's sister, and i spent alot of time under her wing growing up, when my mother was unable to care for me in that regard. i feel so lucky and grateful to have her in my life, and she treats me and even refers to me as one of "the kids"
every time we hang out, she seems to pull out a new tale of my mothers-her childhood, or even my own infancy/toddler years. sometimes sad, sometimes poignant, usually funny. or distrubing. lets say both, as is custom in my family.
my family comes from very humble, poor, violent, dysfunctional, and even mentally ill beginnings. i am lucky to be where i am, happy. ive been close enough to the edge to never go back, and failure isnt an option for me.
i dont come from royalty and i cant forget that shit, when im feeling snobby, and pretentious. i dont deserve all the good things in life, no one really does. if your lucky enough to get them, you enjoy them fully until they arent around anymore.
i do want to have a healthy, financially secure, and emotionally/gastronomically well fed family... its all i want.
i can do it for sure, no need to stress yet, too young. i found a winner in savvy no doubt.
clearly feeling a little rambly here, ill chock it up to super strong sicky drugs. lots of em.
also! had a good visit with my dude curty pants, my ace. fucking guy cracks me up, in the best way. love him too.
ill be feeling better in the morning, i know it
Actually ... you DO deserve all the good things in life so reach out and grab it. Enjoy. :)
There will be no next time.
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