I'm back, pretty wiped, but rejuvenated and full of feverish fervor! and alliterative run-ons!
i get so inspired and jacked up on tattooing after something like this, and ive managed to build up a massive head of steam.
Calgary tattoo convention was awesome, gerry and i went with excitement and high hopes of tat-bro-downs, laughs, and super crazy tattoo marathons. we weren't disappointed. more than a great way to really connect and hustle with gerry, it was a full-on circus. clearly, I'm not a shy man, i love convention tattooing, and working in that environment is wildly crazy, fun, and mega tiring. i re-acquainted myself with tattooers i only really see once a year, while also having the pleasure of making rad new friends. many of whom Ive looked up to for a long long time, and i was all stoked and honored to hang. WHAT A FUCKING BLAST!!!!!!!
ok ok, besides the bro-down element, i got do do some fun tattoos on some great people.
holy shit though i have to say, i missed my girl. i mean lots. we're one of super faggy , "close" couples, so even a few days can drag without my partner. we skyped!. shits nuts, technology. I'm talking fully convention skype parties and everything. crazy right! ha!
i cant fucking wait to tattoo, more and more.
the more i tattoo, and am around tattoing, the luckier i feel to have the opportunity to do so. i have been tattooing for 3 and a half years. i have wasted so much time on arrogant bullshit, and biting off more than i can chew, and taking shit for granted, and sleeping in. the guys i look up to don't just happen upon their success, and talent isn't a magical pixie dust powder, these guys work hard, draw tons, then draw more.
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Just wanted to say thanks Cody for an awsome old-school maiden on my hand at the Calgary Convention. She is healing perfectly. If you wanna check out some of my stuff, its the facebook group CnB Piercing & Tattoo at
Blaine Woodruff
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