in the midst of a waist deep shitstorm that is our moving/packing/sally-ann strewn house, weve been having a roller-coasting hootenanny. we are feeling a little cagey, savvy and i. that is to say with the horizon of our moving deadline looming larger and larger in our view, and it being so fucking nice out, its taking all we have not to box each others ears in. other than that! shits been so so good. visits from super new homies, lots of sun, bicycles, and lock pickings.
ive recently had the pleasure of a diabolical,one on one, lock picking tutorial. turns out, tactile as i am, im excelling in the field. was kindly given me own set of picks, and even today came into a bogota style rake. as you can see, im even comfortably using crucial pickin' slang...
i jumped in the puntledge river yesterday. fully dipping on smash. too early turns out.
i traded a skookum pair of jeans for a vintage(ish) bike for my darlin, looks damn good on her too.
im going to miss courtenay so much. so so so much for real. its rad here, and im trying my goddamnest to pack in colloquial memories, suspecting when i arrive in vic, its gonna obviously be a whole other jam. i really dont want to take living in a place like this for granted, and as ive mentioned before ive got my full summer-head-crazy-guy on full bore.
love is in the air! my friends, many of em, with the springiest fevers. warms me to see it. and when it comes to my own spring fever focus, it warms me even warmer. especially one part of me.
sun, savannah, smashing success
alas, my good friend, and former front end girl mellissa packed up all my shit for me at black rose! hahahah i was grateful among other things. so, no tattoos for a few days. i miss it! awesome
here are locks ive picked, with a variety of difficulty
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