ive been busy! ok, mad busy. and loving it. im immersing myself in a encyclopedic pool of tat knowledge, treading water among some of the most tremendous swimmers and hardest workers on this coast. i feel so so lucky to be where i am, no dole. the crew here works hard. jamers evening naps enable him to literally be in the shop until 3 or even 4AM some nights. this is real. chris comes in and slays, absolutely anoints a dudes rib piece, big beautiful colors, no choppiness, gorgeous. no worries. d-boy rocking a top knot, killing it, studious, skilled and helpful. all of them super helpful. enjoying bro times among some evening drawing "class"es. to say class in unfair to the teacher, as the jame dog smashes through japanese dragon anatomy while i, my brain picking up as much as it can manages to, miss probably 80% of it. for now that is to say...being in this environment is highly conducive to a healthy lifestyle for me, inasmuch as helping me really devote the time necessary to draw,study and learn more within tattooing.
pretty stoked, i even managed to miss the harshed out diarrhetic shitstorm thats been circulating. the past week has mostly been me waking, walking around the corner, tattooing, coming home late. fucking rice and bbq pork son.
as usual, im dramatizing.
but! still purely catching quality time with my girl. most important.
ive been mad remiss on the blog tip too, im guilty. i was politicking an awesome one the other day but lost the whole thing due to paranoia. serves me right, it was about graff missions, and a bag of crack i found. funny shit.
im mass tired. ive got a coupla pics here, more en route. im off to bed
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