such a nice day, so beautiful i was feeling a little bummed to be trapped inside honestly. not that i dont love tattooing, but i feel something like a caged animal as soon as the suns beaming. i literally feel imprisoned if im not enjoying it completely. thanks alot prison!
no worries, had a good week tattooing cool people. i feel like im always going on about my clients, but for real these guys, these fucking young guys are killing it. getting rad tattoos. tyler and jordan. some of my raddest tattoos i feel like they have. i get so stoked when they come in and just want like a fucking anchor and an anatomical heart or whatever. these dudes are like 17-18 and their parents have to sign for them for christsakes, its nuts. when i was like 20 i was a mad retard displaying major antisocial tendencies. i still am. milk hormones have people being cooler, younger. its like manstruation.
anyway tattooed them again, lined a fun one im dying to finish on jordan, and did a cool jerry anchor on tyler.
also this week, tattooed some tough broads on the ribs, which as before mentioned are they new ankles. lots of fun.
for a week or two now, my good bud dussy and i have been steady perched in this new grocery store in town, in this lofty glassed in eating area. with savvy working nights im fending for m'self, eating at the food bar for mass, nightly even. this has become more than a passtime, its a habit by now. we sit up here, look at people and laugh and laugh. killing it with the monologues and snarky descriptions. were a couple of mean queens up there and i cant get enough. mouth-breathing troglodytes, good ole fashioned root-down-tramps, tapout board-short tough-dongs, its just so good.
im needing this right now especially i think, these funny steam blowing interludes. im feeling in this shitty, weird lurchy half life before we move and its super stagnant. i just want to shit or get off the pot here. couple of weeks to go.
get this new life going.
if your in QF, look up sucka
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